Silva UltraMind ESP System, AudioBooks + Text

Silva UltraMind ESP System, AudioBooks + Text

  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 968
  • Gde živiš: Skopje

Silva UltraMind ESP System

Learn to use your intuition accurat ely, reliably, and regularly with Jose Silva's UltraMind ESP System to find your purpose in life, and make better decisions in all areas of your life:
To restore and maintain excellent health; for fulfilling re lationships in your business and personal life; and in your vocation.
Please look inside for details about how you can learn mental projecti on and remote viewing, and can have the same kind of guidance from hig her intelligence that Jose Silva, and most other highly successful peo ple, have. Develop your psychic ability and intuition in just two days .
Total size, mb: 0.566


AudioBooks - Silva Method Ultramind Esp - Complete

Learn how to actually use the untap ped powers of your mind to increase your sales and income and put more money in your pocket. Stories from many Silva graduates who have used Jose Silva's techniques to help them make more sales. Audiobook versi on of the landmark book Total size, mb: 166.336

DOWNLOAD 1 (Size, mb: 95.7 79)

DOWNLOAD 2 (Size, mb: 70.557)

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  • Pridružio: 11 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 43
  • Gde živiš: bgd

kod vas u mk nema silvanaca?
predlog diskutantima/moderatorima za temu o meditacijama generalno, sa argumentima za i protiv; inace, prosao sam svojevremeno kurs silva metoda, ...
... meditativna samomanipulacija mozdanim frekvencama u cilju dovodjenja u odredjena stanja: banalan primer, ne legnete da spavate, vec se prvo dovedete u frekvencu, pa mozete i sedeci da zaspete, samo da ne padnete sa stolice:))

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