Usvajaju zamrznute embrione da ih spasu testiranja!

Usvajaju zamrznute embrione da ih spasu testiranja!

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland

Women Adopt Frozen Embryos, Save Them from Science

Mon Feb 28, 2:48 PM ET
Science - Reuters

MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish clinic that allows women to adopt frozen embryos to save them from scientific research said Monday 14 women were pregnant with adopted embryos.

The Barcelona clinic launched a scheme last year to allow embryos left over from fertility treatment and destined for stem cell research to be implanted into women.

Tens of thousands of embryos are currently frozen in Spain and the launch of the program coincided with the government allowing scientists to use them for research.

Scientists believe investigation on stem cells -- master cells with the potential to grow into any human cell or tissue -- could provide cures for diseases such as Alzheimer's.

The Institut Marques said couples who had lost a child, infertile couples, and single and homosexual women were among those who had decided to have an embryo implanted.

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